Thursday 22 November 2012

Peregrine Falcon & Wild Flowers

I wanted to give something to the sport in Brian's memory and also to pay back some of all they gave him in enjoyment and me in support since he passed.

So l settled on 2 very different plans, one will be ongoing for many years. Every year in September l do a seeding of wildflowers around the peritrack at Langar it covers about 3.5miles. l also seed along the runways.  I figure that it will add life for insects, birds and improve the area.
When we used to go for drives we always got excited to see wild flowers like poppies and a couple of fields we would drive past off the beaten track were always full of colour and we used to get all excited at how lovely they looked.
I get the seeds from the wild flower farm next door to Langar and the owner also Brian has been great, if l dont have tools handy l am able to borrow them from him and he is full of advice  Nature Scape This will be a slow ongoing project for a few years while they slowly take hold.

The second idea l asked the British parachute Association if l could donate a trophy but this was turned down so l approached Langar and asked them if l could donate one. They agreed and so l hunted round for an acceptable one.

I finally found Andrew Glasby and amazing bronze artist. He had many bronzes l fell in love with but l settled on one l loved but also more importantly l could afford Andrew Glasby Bronzes

It is a Peregrine Falcon's head, Brian always loved watching Birds of Prey Andrew mounted it on a block of wood for me and l then had that mounted on a specially commissioned Oak plinth. It looks amazing and is now used for the 6 Way  annual competition. The words Dream, Believe, Achieve are also on as it has become his mantra.

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