Wibble (left), Santa (middle), Poca (right)
Last night l rang B when l left the cpd. He was worried about Wibble. I got back and she was very mauve and gasping and coughing. I took her to the animal emerg. hosp. where we (me working, Wib's snoozing) spend most of our lives. I was thinking frusamide, pain relief and 02 for a few hours and see how it went.
As l drove into the car park it hit hit me, Wib's sore front leg on Sunday. It was a strange soreness but l figured it was her spondylosis playing up again. It eased up by Monday. The pain was was a thrombus again but a severe one, the clot had moved through and hit hard into her lungs this collapse was irreversible.
I got Wib's onto 02 and rang B l felt awful l had not insisted he came, l told him the outlook. He was staggered he said she was very poorly all day and didn't realise she was so bad but agreed it was fairest and best for her.
A last word with the vet l asked her knowing the reply especially when l told her what l believed. Then l nodded my head at her to start the injection. The staff left us to have our goodbyes.
I wanted to stop the vet and say "no no she will be ok" but l didn't. The same way l didn't when the decision had been taken with the other members of the family that have passed through our lives. What l was doing was my final gift to Wibble that hub and l (and everyone who knew her) loved. To have stopped the vet would have been for me not for Wibble.
Today work was hell and everyone was wonderful.
Last night l needed something positive l pulled my Angel cards out upside down (so l couldn't see them) l was giving them a good shuffle and a card fell out l turned it over and have taken that as my special meaning, Yvonne is one of the Angels.

Wibble is with her Aunties, Santa and Poca and Ginger the cat and all our other animals.
Oh no...not Wibs.
I'm so sorry.
My eyes are wet as I type this. You poor love. Many, many hugs to you my dear.
She's not even mine, I'm reeling from her absence.
So sorry for your loss. Wibbles knew you loved her, no doubt. Take good care of yourself during this tough time.
My missus and I have never had less than one dog and six cats...often more...down the years we've gone through this so many times, and it's never easy....
The best thing is, you were there for her all the way to the end...
Thinking of you...
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear this... :(
You gave her a good life, and that's really all any of us could wish for, four-legged or two-legged.
i am so, so sad for you. it is a ghastly thing to have to do but at least we can do it for our creatures. many hugs.
Oh no, I'm so sorry, you must be devastated.
I'll be thinking of you, hope you're keeping well and holding onto the memories of all the good times x
Really sorry to hear that hon. Take good care of yourself x
So sorry to hear she has gone - always hard to make the decision, but somehow seems easier at the time than planning ahead - but absolutely the right thing. You knew exactly when the time had come. RIP Wibble
Many thanks for the lovely comments. We have no plans to have any new family members. Maybe one day but things are to raw yet.
So sorry to hear this. It gets worse the older they are, doesn't it.
I am sorry for your loss, it brings back memories of my last trip to the vet with Sam... I now know I am not the only one to have those last minute doubts as to say stop... but deep down I knew probably as you did...
RIP Wibbles... no more pain, no more age.. just happy hunting days with the rest of the pack.. xx
I am so sad for you all. Wibbles had the best Mum and Dad in the world. She will not leave you, she walks in your shadow still. She loves you as much as you love her.
I am so sorry to read of your very sad loss. I so know the pain you are feeling right now and just to let you know my thoughts are with you. xxxx
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