If people took a better look at their pets teeth l think they would think twice. I will do separate posts on teeth of animals l have known as it is so wide ranging a subject.
Animals can get damaged teeth as well in accidents or by chewing stones. With younger dogs the teeth are generally damaged by grinding or breaking by the above 2 routes, as opposed to humans who have rotted teeth and need fillings or caps.
Nowadays there is options to have your dogs teeth capped or filled. It is not cheap and is very specialised and only carried out on teeth that are healthy unlike us humans who tend to have it done due to bacterial problems and already weakened teeth.
I do a lot of work where there is consultant dentist a couple of days a week. A few months ago, knowing that l am always taking photos he asked me if l wanted to get some photos of his newest job.
He did not have to ask twice. I went off and got quite snap happy as it was the first time l have seen tooth caps for dogs. The dog had damaged teeth from a car crash and was getting a nice smile back.
Pre Fitting

Post Fitting

how incredible! there were people with steel teeth when i travelled through the eastern bloc countries in the late 1980s.
Nice to see.
Every now and again a Guard dog would break a canine and we would get a RADC Dentist in to assist our Vet with a steel cap. It certainly looked the business at the sharp end! ;o)
That is so interesting.
I run a charity to help competive Obedience folks and their dogs in times of need. We have just helped someone out who's dog went to run over a cattle grid and damaged his teeth.
He's had the work done to replace some of them. It was very expensive, but we all do our best for our dogs. So we helped out as the lady struggled to find the money.
At least I now know what was done from your photos.
Have to say if it was me l would just have the dogs tooth taken out. But to each his own as the saying goes.
Wonder where the law stands on steal (so to speak) capped teeth in guard dogs landing in some scroats body part?
Joker that sounds a bit like seeing loads of the James Bond guy with the metal teeth walking around!
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