He had a lovely temperament, he licked the nurses hands who was holding him then gave me a final calm look as life faded from him when l injected him.
I think there may be 2 reasons for him to have been dumped, there could be others but this seems to me the main 2 reasons:
(1) I do wonder if he was owned by an elderly person, family visited and did not like the “smelly dog”. They made an excuse and got rid of him, probably by telling the relative they would take him to the vet to be “put out of his misery”, then saved the money it would have cost at the vet's by dumping him.
Often old people have dogs and cats that end up in a state. They are scared to ask for help and or can not afford it. If you do know someone that is elderly then offer to help clip nails (if you feel confident enough) or even groom or walk the pet if they need help.
If you see a problem then contact the charities and local vets ask what their policies are regarding helping the elderly, some vets may be willing to do things on a pre-payment so a few pounds a week to build up a help pot.
Basics like nails and anal glands are nurse’s jobs and if it is a special case they are often happy to do that as a free clinic.
(2) I may be totally wrong about the dog and he is owned by the same people that dumped him. He became a Christmas casualty because a new puppy had his place.
For the second problem especially, if there was a tighter control on breeding and owning, then a lot of this would be brought under control. It could be self financing if a large enough amount was paid to own and or breed. Special rates could be brought in for elderly people as animals are often a vital part of their mental and physical health.
I am afraid though that animals like this and also healthy animals young or old will continue until a politician steps up to the bat, and brings animal ownership and breeding under control, and people start to see pet owning as an honour and not a right.
Close up of the tumour

The tumour was situated under the front leg.

that picture is shocking. how can someone not have helped the poor creature before now?
Heart-breaking. I don't know what to add..? There are so many dreadfully sad tales about unwanted dogs.
At first I thought you were being overly kind regarding ownership but then I saw the photo's!
Yes, it does look like an elderly persons case doesn't it.
It doesn't excuse 'whoever' dumped him though.
I promised myself I'd not swear so I'm biting my tongue.
That's my feelings as well Dave. I added the other part but just has the old persons dog feel about it.
And if it was an old persons dog then there is several things probably going on.
Worried about money/cost.
About what someone would do to them.
They felt shame that things had progressed to that level may even have been ill themselves and did not realise what was going on until to late then the above feelings burst in.
The dog may well have been their only companion/friend as an absent family could not be bothered to be in touch, and when they did visit the elderly person.
What l am fairly certain of is that IF it was an elderly person who owned the dog they did not dump and tie him up, l am convinced it was their "loving" visiting family.
Good grief! How can a tumour get to that size without any other people noticing? Or was this poor thing never walked..?
Let's hope it WAS an old person's dog - because if it was dumped for a Christmas puppy, I don't give much for that puppy's chances...
On the subject of cost, do Blue Cross and the PDSA still do free/reduced treatments for those who can't pay, such as OAPs?
Well IF it was an elderly person with bad eyesight they may not have realised till it was to big, then got scared.
The charities are usually postcode dependant and also you have to be on the right benefits.
Nothing like telling an old person sorry the charities wont help you because you do not qualify when a scroat in a brand new car with satnav and just back from holiday with their 3k bulldog puppy turns up for charity treatment.
Don't get me going on that one. And yes the above has and does happen all the time.
Generally in cases with old people in obvious difficulties vets do their best to help the old person. I know ones that will waive the emergency fee and/or cut out hospitalisation if it is needed, that sort of thing.
All RSPCA branches are supposed to cover at minimum the cost of a consult + pain relief or euthanasia for pets belonging to owners on state benefits or pension within their branch area.
I've found Blue X generally able to be flexible, but PDSA seem to be tied to council tax benefit/housing benefit only (I think because of the problem of animals owned by one member of a family who's living in a household where other members of the family are quite well off). Of course the other problem with older people is that they often don't know or are too proud to apply for benefits other than their pension.
The trouble with tumours is that they grow gradually & then the owners get frightened to go to a vet.
Worst "tied up & left" dog we've ever had was a lurcher who'd literally ripped herself open (prob. on barbed wire) so that her gut was hanging out. Astoundingly the vet pushed them back, sewed her up & gave lots of antibiotic and she survived.
Thanks Cambs Treasurer l knew you or Dave would be able to help l am mainly used to the PDSA requirements :-)
I am with you, I miss my dogs, but when they were alive they were treated with love and dignity when it came time to have the PTS. I would love another one, but my lifestyle isn't right, they would be alone for too long a day for them to be happy; so I remain dogless until my situation changes.
I wish owners would think about what having a dog means to the dog, never mind themselves.
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