Saturday, 29 November 2008

Christmas - New Pets

A small kitten was dumped at work today. It was lucky as it was dumped at a secure area. This brought to mind something that rescue kennels and vets start to get angry over this time of year.

It is heading at speed towards Christmas and thoughts of presents. There is no way to put this nicely so here goes.
“Anyone that buys an animal as a Christmas, Birthday, or other celebration, at the time of that celebration....needs shooting”

It makes no difference if you get a pedigree or a mongrel. And bear in mind a pedigree is a mongrel that breeds true. A bird or a fish, a cat or dog any animal.

The worst time of year to decide on a new animal as a family member is especially Christmas. The house is in turmoil. Bangs are going off. Guests are in and out the house. The house is meant to be kept clean. Strange food is being cooked and dropped perfect for stomach upsets. Life is one big accident and it happens.

Think of how upsetting it can be for the family with all the arguments that come with the season of “joy” and how you are so glad when it is over and life can return to normal.
Now think of yourself as a tiny puppy or kitten pulled away from their mum and siblings. Maybe but not necessarily bred at a puppy mill (USA) or puppy farm (UK)Just to make some scumball from the lower depths of hell money. Or other animal pulled from a quiet life and cast into the cauldron of confusion.

It is terrifying for them. Then they pee or poo or puke and WHAM, suddenly they are dumped at some rescue home if they are lucky. Very often they are dumped in the middle of nowhere.
They freeze or starve or die of dehydration in a short space of time. Assuming a fox or owl does not kill them.

The old family pet is often unwanted clutter now the "new toy" has arrived and is pushed out to the woods to face whatever happens. Sometimes they are both thrown out onto motorways, or into strange areas on the other side of town.
People think it is a faster death hit by a car, only it isn’t, it is more terror and pain and if they are lucky someone will see them and call for help. If their luck holds they will be found before they wander away or hide away in pain, until they die or are found and put out of their pain.
There is so many healthy animals who can afford to take the old or the injured on.

If you must get a pet then it needs to be at least 3 weeks before Christmas (or birthday or whatever celebration). You need to arrange what will happen over the period when everyone is so busy who will look after it. It needs a safe area, away from guests and secure, lockable to avoid doors accidentally left open. If it is not vaccinated keep it away from others of it’s species.
How will your old pet react to the new one, will they both cope together during all the Christmas stress. If now what will you do?

All this so that you can have a pet for a present, is it worth it?


Fi from Four Paws and Whiskers said...

Totally agree...

Please can you put a partial RSS feed or somewhere we can "Follow" you on here - dont want to miss your new posts
fi :)

Vetnurse said...

Hi Fi opps thought l had an rss feed on here but l had not looked closely as l haven't worked out how to use them myself l will hunt one down.

Vetnurse said...

Ok Fi rss feed added at the bottom of the info panel.

Anonymous said...

I'm involved with an Irish Setter rescue group here in the States. When asked about "gift pets" I always try to recommend that the "gift" should be something along the lines of book(s) on the breed/animal, crate/cage, food dishes, leads, toys, training aids, etc.

Then, after the celebration is over, the giftee can be involved in making an informed selection.

This way the anticipation excitement is heightened, and responsible decisions can be made in a more time appropriate windo.